pgpool logging on centos 7
This is a quick post to explain logging of pgpool to the journal or to a file
pgpool configuration
In the pgool.conf file (/etc/pgpool-II/pgpool.conf), set the parameter log_destination to ‘stderr’ and debug_level to 0 (or more if you need)
debug_level = 0
With this the logs will be captured by journald and that’s usually fine, journald will manage all the rest for you (no need to logrotate and you have the full power of journalctl to consul the logs).
journalctl --unit pgpool -f
is the same as tail -f /var/log/pgpool.log
if you want to correlate the logs with those of postgres, it is easy, for example
journalctl --unit pgpool --unit postgresql --since -30min
systemd unit configuration
This said sometimes you need the logs in a flat file, it is also possible. We need to modify the systemd pgpool unit
systemctl edit pgpool
this will open a file /etc/systemd/system/pgpool.service.d/override.conf
then put this into it
NB: the User and Group settings are not related to logging, it is to force pgpool to be run as user postgres
When you modify a systemd unit file you must reload the config
systemd daemon-reload
then configure rsyslog by adding a file /etc/rsyslog.d/pgpool.conf
if ( $programname == "pgpool" ) then {
action(type="omfile" fileOwner="postgres" fileGroup="postgres" fileCreateMode="0644" file="/var/log/pgpool.log")
and restart rsyslog and pgpool
systemctl restart rsyslog
systemctl restart pgpool
Don’t forget to add a logrotate configuration, usually adding a file /etc/logrotate.d/pgpool.conf, for example (I did not test this one)
/var/log/pgpool.log {
create 0664 postgres postgres
rotate 7